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Odsłon : 413 Pobierz jako plik iCal
Miejsce: American Corner, II piętro
Data: Wtorek 19.11.2019 r. Godz.12:30 - 13:30 

American Corner zaprasza uczniów szkól średnich i studentów na spotkanie w języku angielskim – CYBERSECURITY: Boosting your cyber IQ. Wykład poprowadzi Olgierd Syczewski.
Project abstract: Cyber Security Guide In 2018 and 2019, the unfortunate trend of increased phishing, hacking, and data breaches reached new heights. Some of the more prominent victims include Facebook, Quora, Google, and Orbitz, with the number of affected people entering into the hundreds of millions. These attacks are a somber reminder that we cannot be too careful with our security. This workshop will go over the essentials for increasing your personal cybersecurity in four broad sections. First, we will discuss the importance of strong passwords, the best practices using them, and how to store them. Second, we will address good internet browsing practices and talk about the most common mistakes people make online. Third, we'll talk about software updates for phones and computers, the importance of antivirus software, and relevant hardware. And finally, we will review the best procedures for protecting personal data.

Olgierd Syczewski is a program coordinator at the Center for European Policy Analysis. He gained experienced as a national marketing department intern at the Polish Investment and Trade Agency and PR & communications specialist at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). His main interest areas include information warfare, cybersecurity, and energy policy.
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? Obowiązują zapisy – 71-3352215, e-mail 
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