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Odsłon : 395 Pobierz jako plik iCal
Miejsce: American Corner, II piętro, DBP, Rynek 58
Data: Środa 24.05.2023 r. Godz.12:00 - 12:45 

Zbiórka przed Biblioteką

American Corner Wrocław is pleased to invite you for a historical walk under the subtitle “Where the city was born! The Cathedral Island and its legends”.

Thanks to the walk, we will get to know the oldest legend of Wrocław dedicated to The Dumpling Gate. We will also find out who reigns in our city and why the most beautiful tree in Wrocław was planted by French hands. Wrocław was located at the crossing point of long distant trade routes and we can say that the main source of the city prosperity was trade - thanks to this both the people and the city became rich. How rich? Which of the rulers contributed to this? We will answer these and other questions during the walk. We will also learn how much the city was destroyed during the war and what the term permanent ruin means.

So see you on the walk!


Obowiązują zapisy:

Uczestnictwo w Wydarzeniu jest jednoznaczne z wyrażeniem zgody na utrwalanie i wykorzystanie wizerunku uczestnika zgodnie z Regulaminem.

W razie wątpliwości sprawdź godziny pracy lub skontaktuj się z wybranym działem biblioteki.