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Odsłon : 507 Pobierz jako plik iCal
Miejsce: American Corner, II piętro
Data: Wtorek 03.12.2019 r. Godz.12:30 - 13:30 

American Corner zaprasza uczniów szkól średnich i studentów na spotkanie w języku angielskim ? Energy security. Wykład poprowadzi Zuzanna Nowak.

Zuzanna Nowak is an independent energy security and policy expert  with a focus on post-Soviet Eurasia. She has held management and international cooperation positions at the Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG) and the Polish National Centre for Nuclear Research. Zuzanna Directed the Office of the Polish Member Committee of the World Energy Council and had previously served as the Head of the Energy Project at the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). She is a graduate of the Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs and the College of Europe in Bruges.
The presentation will focus on two issues. First part of the presentation will relate to direct energy resources? exchanges between Poland and the US from technological perspective (feasibility and economic rationality of gas, oil, coal, nuclear trade with an emphasis of commodities? characteristics). This will give ground for the second part of the presentation, discussing geopolitical dimension of the energy cooperation between Poland and the US, based on the issue of energy security (security of supplies and security of demand). Taking into account time constraints and the public age, this presentation will be supported with a ppt and contain only broad lines of Polish-American energy relationship. 

3.12.2019 godz. 12.00
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? Obowiązują zapisy ? 71-3352215, e-mail 
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